GBY-NBA papers
Recent Paper: Finkel et al. Geoarchaeology 2023
Sharon G., Feibel C., Alperson, N., Harlavan Y., Feraud G., Ashkenazi, S., & Rabinovich, R. (2010). New evidence for the Northern Dead Sea Rift Acheulian. PaleoAnthropology, 79–99. Sharon, G., Feibel, C.S., Belitzky, S., Marder, O., Khalaily, H., Rabinovich, R., 2002. 1999 Jordan River Drainage Project Damages Gesher Benot Ya’aqov: A Preliminary Study of the Archaeological and Geological Implications. In: Gal, Z. (Ed.), Eretz Zafon – Studies in Galilean Archaeology. Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, pp. 1–19.
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