Shells after sorting

Jordan River Papers

Sharon, Gonen, Craig S Feibel, Shmuel Belitzky, Ofer Marder, Hamoudy Khalaily, and Rivka Rabinovich
2002. 1999 Jordan River Drainage Project Damages Gesher Benot Ya’aqov: A Preliminary Study of the Archaeological and Geological Implications. In Eretz Zafon – Studies in Galilean Archaeology, edited by Zvi Gal, pp. 1–19. Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem.


Sharon, Gonen, Ofer Marder, and Elisabetta Boaretto
2002 A note on 14C dates from the Epipaleolithic site at Gesher Benot Ya’aqov. Journal of The Israel Prehistoric Society 32:5–15.

JRD Papers

Marder, Ofer, Rebecca Biton, Elisabetta Boaretto, Craig S. Feibel, Yoel Melamed, Henk K. ‎Mienis, Rivka Rabinovich, Irit Zohar, and Gonen Sharon
2015 Jordan River Dureijat – A new Epipaleolithic site in the Upper Jordan Valley. Mitekufat Haeven – Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 45:5–30.

Sharon, Gonen, Leore Grosman, Ethel Allué, Alon Barash, Daniela E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, Rebecca Biton, Elizabeth Bunin, Dafna Langgut, Yoel Melamed, Steffen Mischke, Francesco Valletta, and Natalie Munro
2020 Jordan River Dureijat: 10,000 years of intermittent Epipaleolithic activity on the shore of Paleolake Hula. PaleoAnthropolgy 2020:34–64. DOI:10.4207/PA.2020.ART141.
